Hot Off the Press In the Furniture World This Week…

Topping the news this week is Vancouver, Canada developer Brian Langereis who is selling this luxury  $18 million CAD Vancouver penthouse— to local buyers only!  500ft above sea level, way up in the air with the most incredible view beyond the Strait of Georgia and Vancouver Island’s mountains watching the sunset from this 6,830sq ft vantage point is like a meeting with God.  Frustrated with the new transient theme of the city where inhabitants are there for a grand total of 2 months of the year, he wants to look up from street-level and see the lights on. “I want someone fun, someone who will connect with the rest of residents,” says Langereis. “Not someone who treats this place like some hidden chamber and then leaves.”  On the market for 3 years already its an interesting tactic but a read of the story and a sneak peek of the place is worth your time, as are the hilarity in the comments below. We’d pony up ourselves but aren’t down with the eternal rainy season.


The 2015 Pan Am Games are about to take over Toronto and our local team has been updating us frequently about the city-wide announcements including all companies should tell their employees to work remotely, take computers home at night and not expect to return to offices until mid August (sounds like a great summer plan to us!) not to mention escape the city entirely because all major highways are going to be reduced by one lane.  Amidst all the chaos and questionable planning however is an excitement – we think because no one knows what on earth the Pan Am Games seems to be.  We caught this tour of the Athletes Village which will host 7,100 athletes, coaches, and trainers from across the Americas.  The one must was that everything the competitors could possibly need is within walking distance, from accommodations to laundry services to a gym and dining hall.  Check out the facilities here.


There’s a race in the mattress world – to be the first to make it easier/cheaper/faster to buy a mattress than it is today.  Toronto’s Endy Sleep, Edmonton’s Novosbed and NY’s Casper, who coincidentally just raised another USD $55M in a celeb-filled syndicate last week are all gunning for top spot.  With free trials, fast shipping and returns, and price points ball parking around $1000 we can’t wait to track their progress; the more disruption in the furniture world the better!   Read more about the shake up here.

Miss Last Week’s Round Up?  Catch It Here.