3 Awesome Hostess Gifts For Winter Holiday Parties

Booze is the easy way out; stock pile your cupboards with these 3 awesome gift ideas and sail through your winter event plans with full marks, no matter how last minute that invite is! #1  I mean...enough said!  They'll think of you every single time they light these adorable candles. With so many fabulous options to choose from, order a box and split them as [...]

By |2015-12-20T10:00:00-05:00December 20th, 2015|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

12 Days of #kellyapproved Xmas – Day 11

Ok I seriously can't get enough ... everyone needs salt and pepper and these are way too fun and guaranteed to get the table talking, male, female, young or old!  I loved the fact they were white (not only b/c that's a color of the year but goes with EVERYTHING).  Problem is I couldn't decide which I loved more Les Elephant... L'Eggs Adorable right?! Miss [...]

By |2015-12-11T10:00:00-05:00December 11th, 2015|Remote Stylist|0 Comments
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