There is nothing I love more than seeing pressies under the tree – but its quality not quantity that sets the scene.  And no, I’m not talking about box contents whatsoever rather the actual wrapping job.  My own brother arrived last night and questioned whether I’d put one item per box just so I could wrap more.  #GUILTY


Reminds me of a conversation I shared earlier in the season with New York based designer Tali Roth.  She professed she was actually a lazy gift wrapper (which I’m totally not buying) but I hear you on never having the time or head space!   She shared an awesome tip and in the spirit of giving in the last hours leading up to Christmas 2015 you can use it today too.

To Wrap Like A Pro ALWAYS Have the Following Items on Hand

1. Brown paper.
2. Natural Yarn
3. Gold Round Stickers
4. ID Tags
5. Rosemary or any other green lead I have lying around.
6. Gold, Silver and White pens
Of course you’ll need time to wrap but you’ll find it.  Once you’re stocked get creative!   Look at how stunning the results are

Holiday Wrapping Staples


Holidays, birthdays, hostess …so cute!  #kellyapproved

Wishing you and yours a Merry Merry

