Hot off the furniture press …


Been to Target Lately?  They are hiring 1400 new jobs for visual merchandiser to fulfill their new vignette initiative in the Home department in order to better showcase the retailer’s home decor, housewares and textiles in a “more natural habitat”.  Find out more about LA25, the test store, here.


Feizy Rugs is breaking new ground in the rug world with what officials are calling the industry’s first nationwide stain protection warranty. While ideal for high-end rugs that can be difficult to clean – such as silk and bamboo viscose – the company said the new program it’s offered for rugs of all price points and if they are unable to remove a stain from a rug under warranty, then they will replace it with another authentic Feizy rug!

For just $89, rug purchasers will receive a complete guarantee that their rug will be replaced up to $5,000 if a stain cannot be removed. The warranty also offers access to more than 2,000 service providers across the country, and includes a kit containing cleaning products developed exclusively for area rugs with free refills. If the rug owner is unable to remove the stain with the products provided, a professional will come to clean the rug. If that is unsuccessful, the rug will be sent to a facility to be cleaned.

Ann Gish

Two of our fav’s, Global Views and Ann Gish, are getting into bed together – literally!  Ann, who holds her own in the luxurious bedding world is expanding to floor screens and bedroom & living room pieces in a new collection for Global Views.  Stay tuned for Oct 2016/Jan 2017 when it debuts.  So excited!!