Happy New Year!

No one likes being 2015 now that the ball has dropped.  These 16 trends will be ever present as we roll through the next 365 in homes from coast to coast.

  1. Craftsmanship
  2. Fashion Inspired
  3. Speciality Materials
  4. Florals
  5. Simple Yet Glamourous
  6. A Love of Wood
  7. White & Gold
  8. Metal
  9. Geometry
  10. Retro Flashbacks
  11. Handmade Organics
  12. Classics
  13. Whismy
  14. Plexiperfect
  15. Art of the Hand
  16. Pretty

No better way to show and tell then to hear it from the Highpoint Market Style Spotters first hand.  Click the image below to find out what you need to know to deem yourself ‘decor savvy for 2016’

Winter Spring 2016 Home Style Report

