Some may call it a fad or a trend, but regardless a little industrial in a space not only brings out the male-female balance, but usually makes for a great conversation.


The issue is that most light fixtures we see these days are a total copy cat of already done.  When these ones crossed our inbox however, they caught our attention.  A little wacky and definitely need the right spot but visually interesting and cool.

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How great would this one be for bedside lamps?!


Or this one, in doubles or triples suspended over a kitchen island?


…and then we did a full stop.  A stoplight that has this train track like shape to it … bedroom, hallways, any place a sconce could go. Wacky but amazing!
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Which is your fav?  If you have to have they are now available with $1 shipping duties included in Canada/USA.  Click the images above to get full details.