Hey Guys, Kelly Here.

One week ago 75,000 people descended on Highpoint, North Carolina.  SEVENTY-FIVE thousand … reps, designers, retailers, manufacturers.  To put it in perspective that’s like adding 71% more people to a town that normally has a population of around 105,000 people, or 18x the number of students that come to attend High Point University, which we spotted en route to our Greensboro shuttle and OMG its gorgeous (need a tour next time!)

High Point University

It goes without saying that despite every lovely homeowner renting out their home for market, there aren’t enough hotels, motels, inns, b&bs, airbnbs and RV’s to house this population Greensboro and Winston-Salem and every place in between chip in!


In fact a 2013 study by Duke University stated that “Market” contributed $5.4 billion to the area’s economy (recall market is 6 days 2 x a year so we’re batting 12 days total) …. insane right?! Moreover there are 11.5 MILLION square feet of show space so no, that can’t possibly be in one, two or three buildings. In fact “Market” takes place over 180 buildings and after 8 years of market we still haven’t been to them all not to mention been able to navigate to them on our own


Yes those little dots and numbers on the map above represent BUILDINGS which usually house far more than 1 brand; its CRAZY …which that leads us to the reason for this post: to thank all those involved in the daily organization.  Herding 75,000 people for 6 days is no easy feat and our experience this market blew it out of the water!   From the travel company who is on standby to arrange any need…


… To the crosswalk folks who make sure that traffic slows for our street crossing.


… To the greeters who opened the doors to each building and added their own special touch to start our day with a smile (who I don’t have a picture of!)

…. To those who devise how to fit the most cars in non-traditional lots


… To both the scheduled shuttle bus drivers who transport us to and fro hotels and airports, or the go anywhere drivers who whisk us wherever we want to go in a timely fashion.


…And to realizing that yes we would absolutely need to charge our electronics while resting our feet in moving to and fro!


…To all those who run the transportation centre directing us to “the right spot” when time doesn’t allow us to dig for our map!


We blew in and out of market with an insane 4 day schedule and there’s no way we could have done it without the thought, organization and determination to be helpful from each and every person involved.  Bravos, Kudos, Outstanding Job, Well Done.  Donna Gross and Patty Russo (Registration), Krissy Singleton (Transportation), Ashley Grigg  (Media/Communications) and Tammy Covington Nagem, Robyn DeZego, Beth Brondolo, Melanie Grumieaux, Jan Wellmon & Tom Conley  (Everything Else!) your efforts, dedication and directional talents certainly didn’t go unnoticed.  Hats off to you and your teams for leading the charge on the most well organized gathering we’ve ever attended!

thank you

