That’s right, now that those clocks have made a move, it’s time to at least think about heading outside!  We’re pleased to report that one container after the next is being offloaded and inventory levels are at the highest they will be this season.

If you are  in the market for ANY outside furniture or decor use the live chat to and alert us so we can inform you when option come in stock. Affordable white umbrella’s, for instance, are generally long gone by June. Better safe than sorry in this category as vendors rarely have the same pieces from one year to the next!

Without further delay here are 8 new outdoor patio sets either now or almost available (of course we’re taking reserve orders!)

Reneva Outdoor Furniture 8

Reneva Outdoor Furniture 1

Reneva Outdoor Furniture 2

Reneva Outdoor Furniture 3

Reneva Outdoor Furniture 7

Reneva Outdoor Furniture 6

Reneva Outdoor Furniture 5

Reneva Outdoor Furniture 4