Have you heard?

Heart Home

Our friends at Wayfair are holding their first Heart Home conference for the design meets entrepreneur meets tech savvy in Boston late next week.  From collaboration to creativity and fresh perspective to discoveries from lifestyle leaders, it will be nothing short of an awesome action packed weekend with great people.  Here’s the twist:

We heard about it over the summer, but have been heads down with a few exciting developments that will debut this fall so while our original thought was ‘cool, should totally go’ that busy thing took over and suddenly it was last week when we had done nothing about it.  In our founder Kelly’s social travels she connected with super mom, blogger and founder of Momspark.net Amy Bellgardt.

Amy @ Momspark

Amy will probably kill us for using this picture from the 7th birthday of Momspark, but it’s adorable and 7 years is a MEGA achievement!  Besides now that you know what she looks like, look for her onstage during the ‘How I Did It: Hitting the Social Media Jackpot’ session alongside Jon Huang, Audrey McClelland & Ashley Rose.

I saw Amy’s post on Heart Home on our social feed and saw that she was hosting a contest to give away tickets as a speaker.  While I 100% wanted to go I actually only entered to see how her contest technology tool worked as its been a topic of discussion around RS (which you be the judge of, we thought it impressively seamless so we would try it out!).  Anyhow, low and behold Amy emailed me earlier in the week to tell me I had won a ticket!  I never win anything so was totally shocked and thrilled. Despite trying every scheduling route on my fav travel site in the last few days however, scheduling won and I can’t make it SO ….


That’s right we’re now re-gifting our ticket to Heart Home to one lucky individual.  If we can’t meet in person, we can pass the love right?!  Friday’s stellar line up kicks it off with Apartment Therapy’s Maxwell Ryan (have you seen their new book?) then busts into breakouts like the one below


…and it doesn’t stop there; jam packed with a wealth of information and sharing stories from the trenches from these equally awesome folks we just ask that whoever goes in our places spills everything they learned!

So here’s how you enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We’ll be revealing the winner LIVE on Periscope Sunday,  September 27 at 7:30pm EST.  Follow us and be sure to set your alarm so you get notified when we go live.

Good luck!

Kelly & the RS team

PS. If you win don’t forget to thank these lovely ladies who are no doubt SO exhausted but excited after organizing the entire event #goladies

Heart Home Team

If you don’t win there are still a few tickets left  – register here.