Hey All, Kelly again …

Batman i’m TIRED.  Check these stats

Nearing a marathon here; my feet hurt, shoulders ached from carting a bag of promotional material around and I look like i’ve been hit by a train …. factor in I’m short a days sleep from yesterdays activities too!  So what happened when I saw a bed?

Kelly Fallis #hpmkt best sleep system

Of course, I jumped right in.  Lo and behold about 15 minutes later I discovered it was the best bed I have seriously ever been in … and it had nothing to do with the actual bed rather then sleep system of pillows that surrounded me.  Revert back to can’t really process anything right now so definitely can’t share this amazing and life transforming story but each and every pillow was deliberately placed so my brain could relax.  All I could think off the bat was my new selfie stick was in thy purse and this would be a perfect opportunity so …snap, snap, snap.  Uptime selfies, a lot of hilarious looks from those passing by and a few glasses of prosecco later (did i mention I love this brand?!) I settled right in.

kelly fallis #hpmkt bed prosecco

I promise you’ll not only hear every last inch of this story and all about the lovely founder Pandora, but also get to share in the fun #pandoraspillows

If you’re a terrible sleeper, suffer from body ailments or just want the best damn sleep of your life do yourself a favor and put your email here and we’ll be sure to notify you directly when the ‘best sleep system ever’ feature goes live.

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