Meet ‘guy in his 20’s’ from Markham, Ontario. He’s your typical busy Canadian logging long hours comes home to his just-north-of-Toronto condo every day

…and spends free time at home right there, on that couch, watching TV. That was all well and fine until ‘girl’ came into his world. While she loved the fact she could do some work, jaunt over for a spin and watch her chick flicks all at once that got old after her first week living together. You know the drill – she hates it; he doesn’t want anything to change. With no agreement on what had to go or what could be brought in, they resolved matters by bringing in Jillian Smith, of Jilly & Bean Interiors.

With the task of marrying s/he in a simple and elegant way, it was out with the heavy, dark and oversized pieces which all contributed to making the space feel smaller than it needed to. “Some of the pieces had wonderful character that were hidden in the man-partment vibe” said Jillian. “I kept the charming DIY cable spool coffee table and added pieces with delicate detailing such as the tufted settee to soften the look.”

By reworking his pieces into a gender-neutral environment, he would not feel like he was being stripped of his possessions, nor would she feel like a guest in her new home.

Moving in with a partner is a big step for everyone and it warrants a ‘grownup’ apartment. “I turned the space into an environment in which they could entertain. I downsized furniture while adding seating. I strove to make it decorative yet uncluttered, feminine but not girly, and masculine without being macho” says Jill.

Sources: West Elm, Target, IKEA, Angus & Company, Home Sense, Chapters Indigo, Salvage Yard, Custom Shanghai Import.
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