How is it SATURDAY already again?!  We just don’t know where these weeks go by this time of year but we did notice its getting dark way earlier and we’re not quite ready for that!   You?

Lets recap what went down this week in the world of furniture and decor shall we?

The Studio OKL NYC

That’s our living room – NOT!  THE Studio at One King’s Lane ( 205 Hudson Street, Suite 805, New York, NY 10013) opened in NYC, well last week but somehow we forgot to mention it – sorry OKL it’s not like we weren’t excited for you!  It takes us back to Summer 2011 when we did the Muskoka Pop Up Cottage (Canada) – twice on Lake Rosseau and Lake Muskoka.   We had a blast letting people sit, touch and feel and frankly LOVED being out from behind the computer too!   Congrats on the milestone and we hope your transition to real life is equally exciting.

For those of you who don’t know how it works.  One Kings Lane puts all the style and inspiration together and you can book a one-on-one with a free Stylist to shop the space.  As a thank you for coming in, you’ll receive free shipping on anything you purchase during your visit and 10% off any purchases you make on the online site for 30 days after your visit.  Hear about how co-founder Susan Feldman devised the idea here.  We can’t wait to visit.


Currey & Co 2015 Warehouse Sale

 If you missed the announcement yesterday fear not – there are still 11 days left of the Currey blowout sale but prices are as low as they will go.  Click here to see rock bottom pricing.

Entrepreneur magazine identified Ace Hardware as 1/6 examples of businesses that “boosting growth by investing in customer delight” through service.  Here here!   Our first experience with ACE was many moons ago in Florida and the customer service was out of this world.  In a time when many our outsourcing customer service, Ace is extensively training employees about products, store services and customer types and how to to help them.  It’s the “don’t just be nice, be helpful” type of place and if you haven’t checked it out yet we highly recommend going in just to experience it and remind yourself what matters in every aspect of life! 


Earl & Jan over at Poppytalk caught our attention with her 8 sweet IKEA hacks this week too – don’t miss out on a little creative genius.