1st Rule of Reselling Homes

Tomatoe, tomatoe; staging, flipping.  No matter how you say it; whether you actually live in the house and are selling it or it's an investment property, the first rule of reselling homes always applys. 1. Work backwards from the potential list of what COULD exist within the current walls. It's no joke that home prices are skyrocketing and we're all having to deal with smaller spaces [...]

By |2017-02-07T01:56:32-05:00September 21st, 2016|Muskoka Makeovers|0 Comments

What Would You Do If You Walked Into This Home For Sale?

RUN right?!  It constantly amazes me how some people live, but even more so it amazes me how one would think that it would be ok to list this home FOR SALE like this! My rose-coloured glasses they may be, but where you may see where others see grime, dirt, garbage, grossness all I see is getting them out and my hands on the situation. Wouldn't [...]

By |2017-02-07T01:56:32-05:00September 20th, 2016|Muskoka Makeovers|0 Comments
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