Big, Bright and Bold Is How This 36 Hour EGallery Sale Rolls

He's at it again - Kelly O'Neal we mean.  We love trips to Design Legacy to see what adorns the walls of their otherwise industrial abode at market ... ahem ....and ...and a #kellyapproved fav His prints just speak to us - maybe its the color, maybe its their abstract nature but any which way you cut it they liven up a wall and making for [...]

By |2016-03-01T10:00:00-05:00March 1st, 2016|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

Ones to Watch 2016: Setting the Furniture & Design Trends

Who do you go to for trends?  Familiarize yourself with these smiling faces! Cyrpton has selected the 2016 Style Spotters ie the home fashion trendsetters who will report on the top new styles in the land of furniture at the 2016 Spring and Fall markets in Highpoint.  Follow them on Pinterest to see their product picks. Malene Barnett Laura Bielecki Marie Flanagan Brynn Olson Anne [...]

By |2016-02-27T14:56:33-05:00February 27th, 2016|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

Into the Garden

TGIF it's Friday.  We seriously can't believe how fast this winter is blowing by but are delighted that at 6pm it's still light out in our part of the world.  Long days means summer is around the corner, and this new collab between the guys at Madcap Cottage and Robert Allen Home gave us some much needed colorful wind in our sails today. It's a [...]

By |2016-02-19T10:00:00-05:00February 19th, 2016|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

Shift Option Re-do

We were delighted to find that we'd made the cover of Canada's National Post Homes newspaper last weekend but saddened to learn that they don't publish every story online :( Seems entirely bizarre when all you hear is the dying newspaper saga and a whole lot disappointing for an online play but alas we finally snagged a paper copy of this lovely feature written by home style [...]

By |2016-02-02T18:23:30-05:00February 2nd, 2016|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

Not Bleak Around Here

Some days you just need more color in your life - and with the grey, flat light, day around here today is no exception so we're throwing back to Altanta last spring.  A french chateau designed by renowned architect William T. Baker was overhauled by 28 design savvy teams for the annual Atlanta Symphony's Decorators Show House fundraiser and we're still drooling over the "Gentleman's Library." With design firm Parker Kennedy, whose known [...]

By |2016-01-30T03:00:00-05:00January 30th, 2016|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

Beauty & the Beet

NEW Beet... Robert Allen just launched these incredible collection of color & pattern and we're nothing short of madly in love - all available through Remote Stylist.  Spot something you love, have a Stylist send you a free swatch to see it in your space. Click the image below to see all. This Winter Immerse Yourself in Drenched Color Flaunting one of the most brilliant [...]

By |2016-01-29T10:00:00-05:00January 29th, 2016|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

Four Ways to Correctly Pick Someone’s Brain

To a more productive 2016! Here here ...this is a brilliant repost from the talented and always straight to the point Peter Shankman. Props on this AMAZINGLY useful reminder ...we're ALL time starved!! Nothing is more annoying, perhaps in the entire world, than the expression "can I pick your brain." The expression itself is creepy. "Can I stick my finger into the gooey bowl of tapioca [...]

By |2016-01-13T00:12:15-05:00January 13th, 2016|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

One Brooklyn Design Duo & A Railroad Floorplan. Who Wins?

We kick off the new year in Brooklyn with sisters Erica and Amanda Riha who are designers at separate firms but a more newly minted team at online design site Homepolish.We're always inspired with city or close-to reno's because you know you're going to be served some sort of quirky and tight space in comparison to the rest of the country; point being it requires more [...]

By |2016-01-04T10:00:00-05:00January 4th, 2016|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

16 Trends That Will Rock Your Room Design for 2016

Happy New Year! No one likes being 2015 now that the ball has dropped.  These 16 trends will be ever present as we roll through the next 365 in homes from coast to coast. Craftsmanship Fashion Inspired Speciality Materials Florals Simple Yet Glamourous A Love of Wood White & Gold Metal Geometry Retro Flashbacks Handmade Organics Classics Whismy Plexiperfect Art of the Hand Pretty No better [...]

By |2016-01-01T10:00:00-05:00January 1st, 2016|Remote Stylist|0 Comments

3 Reasons We Love Pantone’s Color for 2016

And here they are ... Rose Quartz & Serenity, Pantone's colors for 2016.  Hate or love them, might we point out that this blend is a first.  Watch out, Pantone's getting crazy picking two options!! Word is they are supposed to make us feel more secure and reassured, or restore order and peace. After 2015's crazy outbursts of completely unnecessary violence world wide we commend [...]

By |2015-12-31T10:00:00-05:00December 31st, 2015|Remote Stylist|0 Comments
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