Go Fish: Life is Complicated …Even in the Movies

With the holidays quickly upon us lets forego the consumer cash cow frenzy and take this opportunity to slow down and reflect on what we're thankful for, and more importantly do kind things for others.  At the center of that all is simply one thing: happiness.  This will, of course, mean different things to different people and is the farthest thing from a constant in anyone's daily [...]

By |2017-02-07T01:56:30-05:00November 21st, 2016|Muskoka Must Do's|0 Comments

7 Great Muskoka Spots That Won’t Bust Your Budget This Fall

It's the most magical time of the year; frigid snow is pretty and all, but a colorful tree vista beats it any day.  If you're idea of a good time involves fresh air, light exercise and a grounding experience in beauty we can't recommend Muskoka enough.   But where to go without spending a fortune on said experience? 7. Get Cultured at The Tree Museum - [...]

By |2017-02-07T01:56:32-05:00September 23rd, 2016|Muskoka Must Do's|0 Comments
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