WOW Muskoka – We Did It: 653+ Shoeboxes for Christmas

I could NOT be more proud of the Muskoka community this holiday season.  Remember my plea to make a shoebox for a special lady in a Muskoka shelter this holiday season? That's right: that's Joanne Buie, Penny Burns and Barb Baldwin and a sea of shoeboxes.  We did it; with a target of 500 and requests from shelters for 775, the tally rang a whooping 653 (and a [...]

By |2017-02-07T01:56:29-05:00December 12th, 2016|Muskoka News|0 Comments

Surprise: Lets Show 775 Valuable Muskoka Women We Care

We all say the struggle is real and we're last on our list but as a bunch of Muskoka lovers lets be honest, we've got it pretty easy compared to the daily happenings in the rest of the world.   That being said it isn't all lakes, cottages and laid back living. It's a problem and while Muskoka collectively works through it one day at a time, there's a [...]

By |2017-02-07T01:56:30-05:00November 22nd, 2016|Muskoka Must Do's|0 Comments
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