It’s too hot to think here today but these Monday Makeovers definitely caught our attention!


Check out this fabulously relaxing North Carolina lake house by Heather Garrett featured on The Style Files.  That hammock is calling our name right now!

powder 7_zpszorck6hb…but we can only lie in a hammock for so long before we crave yet another project.  Thankfully we didn’t have to participate first hand today but got our fix from Marcus Designs with this Vancouver bathroom reno, which despite its in-progress state has ALL the makings for wanting to freshen up just a wee bit longer.  Can’t wait to see the final product

Townhouse renovation in Brooklyn, New York.

Townhouse renovation in Brooklyn, New York.

…and then there was that moment when Design Sponge stole our heart with this we-just-want-to-move-in Brooklyn brownstone.  One dose of calm to any family chaos indeed!

And back to that hammock