Yeah yeah cashmere is ALL that – I know, I know.  But do you know that Alpaca is actually better?!


Here’s why this sustainable play is heating up:

  1. Apalca’s are native to parts of the Andes in South America and their wool is suited to many climates- cool, warm and everything in between. If you’ve been there you know layers are kind of a big deal and the mountain temps vary between scorcher in the valleys to frigid at the top.  Alpacas have wool that protects them against cold and heat and instead keeps them comfortable – like ALWAYS.
  2. Alpaca wool is the strongest mammal fiber.  No really, the Incans used to build BRIDGES by braiding reed and cotton together with alpaca.  They were not only sturdy but lasted FOREVER!  Besides no mechanical or chemical processing is used in the production of alpaca goods. LEGIT.
  3. Alpaca is much less prickly than sheep’s wool, and instead has that super soft fuzzy cashmere feel.


What does this mean for blankets, or any other home good made with alpaca?  Long story short – cool in the summer, warm and snuggly in the winter … and you’ll have it the rest of your life.


Take note gents – it’s the PERFECT present for the menopausal wife.  Whether you need a reason or not (Christmas is coming might we remind you), if you are over with hearing the words “I’m too hot followed by I’m too cold minutes later”, believe me when I tell you this blanket or throw is your new best friend!  Same goes for those with poor circulation, families with pets (Bleeks loves his!) and at the end of the day for anything who likes PRATICAL, AFFORDABLE and PRETTY things!  A his & her version even hold top spot on my wedding present roster young, old, male, female …everyone loves them!   My favorite part is that you don’t see this kind a diverse palette in storefronts near you; they are truly unique!  Sneak peek …

While folks in the Andes associate alpaca goods as a status symbol worn by Incan Royalty, I think this eco-friendly, fashionable, durable, long-lasting are perfect for combatting the shivers and sweats and every tom, dick and harry type of household should have a few.  As a result we’re spearheading the alpaca movement at Remote Stylist and making sure everyone can snuggle up this winter so here’s the deal.  The throws are perfect for 1 person; blankets for 2.  Shipping is $1 duties included to all doors in Canada/USA.

Starting today until November 30, 2015 save up to 20% off  your Alpaca.

Shop Now

Give the gift of a solid snuggle – to yourself or someone else.  I guarantee you’ll love it; use #alpacalove #rsdecorlove and show us how much you love yours.

I’ll kick it off – very fancy … hair up, sweats and all 🙂

Kelly Fallis #alpacalove



PS I know I just did a complete jaw drop!  They’ve launched a pillow and rug collection  …wool but still – cool story.


These were all heirloom rugs from south american families, now repurposed into pillows.  Legit vintage …


and they cut some into smaller rugs too.  Aren’t these colours and patterns stunning?!