With summer sadly coming to a close our attention goes from white to winter white.  While the days of white pants after labor day (or September long) in the North are not SO taboo anymore, some brilliant marketing person devised the term “winter white”.

Winter White Fabrics

Whether you’re down with the lingo the difference between summer and winter white is simply the brightness; winter white is softer, and generally takes on hues that aren’t a true white.  Our friends at Robert Allen just launched a new ‘right white’ collection of fabrics and wallpapers called Glacier that captures the essence of winter white brilliantly.  It’s a really comforting creamy color that doesn’t have that stark coldness summer whites do. Think perhaps, snowfields lit by a morning sun or icebergs at dusk!  Here are a few of our glacier collection favorites

Winter White Fabrics 2

No doubt you’ll see more of this hue making its way  throughout the design world, winding its way through interiors both modern and classic in the months ahead.  Check out their pinterest board not only to see the collection but to get ideas across a variety of mediums to familiarize yourself with the color.Glacier Collection Winter White

Need fabric or wallpaper?  Forget going alone and get a free Stylist to help you get your order right. $1 shipping duties included in Canada/USA.