Hello April …. at long last.  We’re counting the minutes until we can head out doors – without the layers and for an extended period of time.  In the spirit of outdoor afternoons this outdoor lounger caught our eye for today’s Wacky Wednesday pick.



Why?  Well for starters outdoor afternoons generally involve a weekend and that means wine.  Wine + base of this chair = we can only picture it now… imagine our graceful entrance.

Front forward and flip around is going to be tricky = thinking an arm or a leg gets caught up in it’s protruding arms or legs.  Back it in with our glass of vino in one hand, while we support ourself on the opposite arm and oh – whoops over we go!

Unique, modern and definitely not seen all over your neighborhood, but exactly what is the ‘get-in-this-chair’ strategy?!  Once we get there we bet its that perfect mix of not too hard, nor soft … and with a warm gentle breeze blowing under us it’s a perfect ergonomic call.  Click here for details.