Highpoint is the end all and be all for those in the furniture biz and we have to say the volume of our inbox has increased 4-fold in the last week as we count down to the April 17, 2015 kick off.

One of the showrooms we love visiting each time is Atlanta’s Bobo Intriguing Objects.  We love vintage and this is a little bit different than the rest  …. ready to drool?!


Yes 3 whole floors of spaces like this!


While we can’t reveal more for two weeks we will share a quick (and tiny) overview of new products in their collection



If you have yet to incorporate vintage or industrial into your space we highly recommend it.  This was a great clip from Nicki & Teresa i.e. the embellish girls 



Yes, those industrial pendants in their clients contemporary home are a la Bobo!  #mixnmatch

Spot something you like?  Ask a Stylist.  Pre-orders being accepted now.