Muskoka Must Do’s Winter V.2018

Inside Secret:  Kelly Love TO DO's and as much of the fun kind as possible.  Here's her bucket list of Muskoka Must Experience for Winter 2018 Confession:  I'm puzzle obsessed.  And frankly, after several weekends of locking myself indoors to avoid absolutely INSANE temperatures I'm ready for more company and a little puzzling.  What's an escape room?   You and a few friends get locked in [...]

By |2018-01-15T23:37:12-05:00January 17th, 2018|Muskoka Must Do's|0 Comments

A Must Do Muskoka Winter Day Trip

Bizarre is the only word thats top of mind with this winter's weather patterns in Muskoka.  In late November I was still boating, top down, in a t-shirt.  December we got walloped in a 48 hour period and it was as picturesque as a snow globe. January started on a chillier edge but between a totally unexpected overabundance of sunshine followed by drizzle - on repeat - I [...]

By |2017-02-07T01:56:29-05:00January 20th, 2017|Muskoka Must Do's|0 Comments
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