Muskoka Must Do’s Winter V.2018

Inside Secret:  Kelly Love TO DO's and as much of the fun kind as possible.  Here's her bucket list of Muskoka Must Experience for Winter 2018 Confession:  I'm puzzle obsessed.  And frankly, after several weekends of locking myself indoors to avoid absolutely INSANE temperatures I'm ready for more company and a little puzzling.  What's an escape room?   You and a few friends get locked in [...]

By |2018-01-15T23:37:12-05:00January 17th, 2018|Muskoka Must Do's|0 Comments

20 Things Gravenhurst Needs

There is SO much available locally that i can honestly say I haven't been back to the Toronto area to eat or shop since we moved almost 2 years ago.  That being said after a day of hustling driving an extra 30 minutes each way for dinner or to get something is killing me slowly so I thought rolling into 2018 was a perfect time [...]

By |2018-01-12T15:44:46-05:00January 12th, 2018|Muskoka News|0 Comments

Lake Muskoka Flooding 2017: It’s Going to be Close!

It was a weird weather winter in Muskoka indeed. What was a winter wonderland promptly exited in advance of Family Day Wknd (mid February) and it's been mixed bagged ever since. Now sitting on the 'will it flood fence' with mere hours until we find out we have to highlight their efforts this season, but first recall the following: We told you how they decide to draw down [...]

By |2017-04-10T14:26:45-04:00April 10th, 2017|Muskoka News|0 Comments
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